Yes. She was a blessing to so many. And, if you can imagine, I was about 7 in that picture, which means Ma-Ma was only about 65. We thought that was so old then. Younger than we are now. And she was 16 when she had Mama Harrison, your Aunt Sis. She was a tiny woman, barely 5 feet and the mother of very tall sons. I am going to send you a picture Joannie sent me last week of her with Ma-Ma’s present day tall Pecos Miller boys.
This is a funny anecdote about Ma-Ma. When “her boys” finally moved her to Durant and she had indoor plumbing for the first time, she said she just wasn’t sure how she felt about doing that in the house 🙂 I’m sure she adjusted immediately. xo
Love the photos! Especially of Ma-Ma. What a wise and beautiful person she was!
Yes. She was a blessing to so many. And, if you can imagine, I was about 7 in that picture, which means Ma-Ma was only about 65. We thought that was so old then. Younger than we are now. And she was 16 when she had Mama Harrison, your Aunt Sis. She was a tiny woman, barely 5 feet and the mother of very tall sons. I am going to send you a picture Joannie sent me last week of her with Ma-Ma’s present day tall Pecos Miller boys.
This is a funny anecdote about Ma-Ma. When “her boys” finally moved her to Durant and she had indoor plumbing for the first time, she said she just wasn’t sure how she felt about doing that in the house 🙂 I’m sure she adjusted immediately. xo