Who will explain this to them?

This is what is says:

2ndAmendmentOn your right, I bet Scalia could explain it.  Or, to your left,  Ginsberg.  Or any high school government teacher.  Or let me at ’em.

Last week, an angry neighbor in my hometown shot the man next door, once in the chest; once in the back.  Dead.  Had previously shot his dog and his llama.  He was out on bail in 24 hours and back next door.

This weekend, some motorcycle clubs got annoyed with each at a bar.  Apparently, a good number of them, exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights, started shooting up the place and nine people died.   I can’t think what this has to do with a well regulated militia.  Or a well regulated anything for that matter.


A few blocks away from 1880 is our state capitol.  Always a large group out front there exercising their 1st Amendment Rights about something or other.

Recently, there’s been a bill before our legislature designed to keep firearms out of the hands of criminals and the criminally insane, so a good number of people have been over there in camo, carrying big guns and signs reading,  “Don’t let Obama take your guns away.”

I really wanted to chat with them about this and ask, “Are you a criminal?  Are you insane? Are you part of a well regulated militia? When the President was in Oregon last week, did he knock on your front door and abscond with your arsenal?” But I was just out walking Roxie through the beautiful capitol mall and really did not feel comfortable engaging with angry men toting big guns.   I did snap a lot of pictures with my phone. Trust me, these folks are not interested in sports-a-field. There’s nothing sporting about an assault weapon.

2010-04-20-Ft.HuntVAVanderboegh3smaller gunjpg-690f57ef601074f9 12242068-standard gunzjpg-25831aea325caed5
13077292 I must agree, however, with the concept of background checks on politicians.


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