Gloria takes the Citizenship Test

This week on Modern Family,  the drop-dead gorgeous Gloria becomes an American.  On one level, this series is a bit lame.  On many levels, it uses outrageous comedy to make very important points.



Gloria had studied hard and knew all the answers and is a bit disappointed when the examination interviewer  rushes her through the process and only asks her two questions before saying that she passed.



I tell my students that it’s not just about learning all the answers so they can pass the test.  It’s about learning what it means to be a good American citizens for the rest of their lives.  They absolutely get it.  One of the questions they might be asked is “Why do you want to be an American citizen?”  When they tell me their stories it is usually all I can do to keep from tearing up.




It’s May! It’s May — the merry month of May.

And kayak season has officially begun.  We drove up to the disappearing Fish Lake yesterday only to find that it disappeared very early this year, the result of a very small snow fall which normally melts and fills it up.  So, ever resourceful, we drove across the road and put in at the amazing ultra-oligiotrophic Clear Lake.









It is impossible to photograph the clarity and color of this incredibly clear, cold deep water.


No microorganisms can survive in its consistently 38 degree water.  Folklore has it that, should you capsize, you have about 90 seconds before hypothermia sets in and your heart stops beating.  I sort of doubt that.  Rainbow trout, however, seem to thrive.

A beautiful flock of bluejays joined us for lunch.


And we took the scenic route home to once again marvel at Sahalie Falls.


Roxie was in a bit of a snit, her dinner being a couple of hours late.  And I thought I was totally depleted until someone called to say there was still enough time to get down to La Margarita to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.  I rallied.

That which we call a rose . . .


I’m very glad we don’t call our favorite flower Graydinn Rainne, a name given to a newborn in town recently.  Seems from time to time, I can’t help myself from reading the list of names chosen for local babies.  I’m sure the name Eliana Lyn Kuiulani Kaalekahi is meant to honor many of this little girl’s forebears, but her kindergarten teacher is going to need a lot of forbearance to teach her how to spell it.  Two names rarely seem to be enough these days. How about Jace Dyrus Rain?  Pearl Irie June?

If I were to name a child today, I’m not sure what I might choose.  I’m thinking maybe Max. Or Rose.