Be a Grown-Up!


Yes!  And I wish this could apply to all people — not just women, but men too, especially people in managerial positions. What a great model this would be for gangs of bad boys and mean girls, and grown-ups permanently stuck in the insecurity of adolescence.

It’s not as though there is a finite amount of success out there and the only way for me to get me some is to take it from you. It is infinite. And what is success anyway? Me rising above you? I don’t think so.

Is there anything more obnoxious that a fist pump, actual or metaphorical, at someone else’s expense?  Much better to be the wind beneath someone’s wings than try to climb up using someone else’s back as your step ladder.  I’m not talking about a round of golf here.




Oh, yes! That must be it. I am a mobile weapon of mass destruction.

If women would just wear sacks and stay indoors everything could be just fine.  Of course, that head shot of you is so creepy it could cause world-wide nausea.

During a press conference at a local hotel in Islamabad, Jamiat Ulema-e-Islami Fazl (JUI-F) Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman asked the Pakistani armed forces to launch a military operation against women wearing jeans all over Pakistan.

According to him, the immodesty of women is the cause behind earthquakes, inflation and other kinds of disasters.

Fazlur Rehman went on to say that a woman who is not covered like a ‘sack of flour’ is a mobile weapon of mass destruction for her state and that Pakistan has multitude of such nuclear missiles in all its major cities.

Rehman then blamed ‘immodest women’ for the Baluchistan crisis, lack of energy supply and the deteriorating security situation in Pakistan.

Fazlur Rehman said that, if these women are wrapped in sacks and kept inside homes and  then the Taliban brothers would not be attacking Pakistan.

Rehman then openly requested the army chief and the prime minister to openly declare war against Pakistani women.