They’re having a big ceremony to remove the flag at the State House in South Carolina today.
I was sort of hoping everyone would wake up one morning and it would have been magically replaced with a Big Blue Marble Flag. A god’s-eye view of things.
And they’re singing “Na na, na na, na na na na. Hey hey, goodbye.” I was sort of hoping for “Come on, people now. Smile on your brother. Everybody get together. Try to love one another right now.”
And I’d really like not to see the rebel flag and the swastika flag displayed on pickup trucks any more. Funny how the people who display them often also have them tattooed on.
Of course, we can say any darn thing we please. Free speech covers just about anything except yelling “fire” in a theatre.
And, of course, we want to remember, accurately, our history. And learn from it. It’s often said that those who do not remember their history are doomed to repeat it.