Iran — and, Bibi, do we care?

We (all the first-world countries in the world) just tried to strike a deal with Iran.  The nay-sayers gave the media a new topic for the day.

A few months ago, just before he was re-elected, Netanyahu popped over and gave us some visuals.

Hmmmmm.  Maybe if he had used a PowerPoint.  This was a lot like a first-grade-show-and-tell during which everyone yawned.

I guess it’s a good thing we don’t care very much any more what Netanyahu thinks of us, because there’s no pleasing him.  He seems to be of  the opinion that the U.S.’s main goal in discussing any issue should be Zionism.  I think he lost most of us when he popped over for a visit without an invitation.  We’re not embedded with you, Bibi.  Put your clothes on and make nice.


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