This morning in the SJ, I read:
“President Barack Obama on Monday commuted the sentences of 46 federal convicts, most of whom were serving sentences for nonviolent drug offenses.
The commutations bring Obama’s total to 90, plus 64 pardons.
On his radio show Monday, Rush Limbaugh, as is his wont, was quick to attack the president’s action. For Limbaugh, this is a perfect opportunity for Republicans to take the offensive and return to an election-winning “law and order” strategy.
Like other Republican partisans still nostalgic for an idealized Ronald Reagan, Limbaugh is living in the past. For the record, Reagan issued 406 pardons and commutations as president.”
Dear old President Reagan, who has somehow morphed into the patron saint of the neo-GOP. He was a handsome cowboy who hardly ever embarrassed us in public during the first six years of his tenure. (I do have some questions I would like to put to him regarding deregulation.)
Rush seems not to have noticed that during Reagan’s last two years in office, he was already showing tragic symptoms of the horrible disease that ultimately killed him. By then, President Reagan was turning to his wife (whom he always creepily called “Mommie”) for advice. And she was going to her astrologer for advice.
But I digress.
I’m not sure what we should do with the bad boys. Costs a fortune to keep them. A king’s ransom if we keep them on death row.
But the not-really-very-bad boys who do get out eventually often come out really-bad-boys.