I never really get this holiday. I think it originally had something to do with supporting labor unions. Now, it seems like a day not to go to work and to celebrate the end of summer. For example, I went kayaking and came home for our annual Saginaw Street Block Party. Works for me (pun intended).
This morning, reading some very odd news articles, I began to think about work and how different people relate to their jobs. Several sage thoughts came to mind:
Hard work is a really good thing.
Whatever you hired on to do, you must be willing to do it, qualified to do it and then do it, for heaven’s sake!
If you are a teetotaler, don’t take a job as a bartender or a flight attendant.
If you belong to a religious sect that mandates modest dress, don’t audition for the Rockettes.
If you take a job at a government entity, you must not violate the law of the land
You must abide by the rules; e.g., an airline pilot must show up sober.
It stands to reason that if you are a paraplegic, you can’t sue a dance company for discrimination when you aren’t hired.
A school teacher said grammar doesn’t matter and she would not correct grammar. Wow!
If you have been hired to do a job and find that for whatever reason you can no longer fulfill your duties, ask to be reassigned or resign.