Our hearts are broken.

Oregon is a small state and a big state.  It has a small population but a relatively large area.

In less time that it takes to drive from Salem to Roseburg, you could drive across New Jersey.  The governor lives in my neighborhood  and left from here to make that drive on Wednesday.

Oregon is very diverse, made up of some very reactionary groups, some very liberal groups, and lots of people like me, not in any groups at all.  Everyone is very sad this week — lumberjacks, hunters, pot-smokers, church ladies, teachers, rednecks, doctors, lawyers, tinkers, tailors, cowboys, chiefs.

This is the way I like to think of Oregon:


Tragically, this is the way the rest of the world is seeing us right now:


This is all many of us previously knew about Roseburg –just a couple of shots from the Interstate:


This week, we all “got off the Interstate.”


4 thoughts on “Our hearts are broken.

  1. But have no fear, our president is coming to visit your state and the town. He will make things better , wont he? Oh well, it is a sad thing that such things happen. We live in a time when violence is readily reported almost as it happens, in most cases. I would believe that there existed as much or more gun violence in 1865 and is 2015, it just wasnt as reported upon.
    I have owned a gun since the age of 12. Have never even thought of killing another human being. The thing that needs to be changed to make our country a safer place is the fabric of society.

  2. No one knows how to make that happen. Certainly, guns need to be kept out of the hands of crazies. ( I believe the politically correct phrase is “those with mental health issues,”) But how do we do that without inconveniencing the good guys? And presidential powers are greatly limited. A visit from a lame duck president is just a kind gesture. Nothing will come of it. He was already scheduled to fly over Roseburg on his way from SFO to SEATAC. I’m pretty sure there isn’t even a runway long enough for Air Force One anywhere near there. But you can be sure since “Obama is going to take our guns away,” he will confiscate a boatload while he’s there.

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