Yesterday on our early morning walk, I took lots of pictures of my neighborhood and posted them.
Today, here are of some of my favorite things inside 188o.
I think the dominate feature of this place is all the built-ins. I swear! If there was a Murphy bed, you could live here with no furniture at all. I love them. Here is just a sample:
1800 is blessed with lots of windows, and I am blessed with their beautiful views. But this post is about inside the house. Here is one of my bedroom windows. Can you see the hummingbird feeding there?
I also enjoy the windows that surround my breakfast nook table.
Many years ago, I painted this Lewis Caroll quote around the top:
(The Red Queen to Alice in Alice in Wonderland.)
I admit it. I’m proudly eccentric. For many years, I wanted a red front door but couldn’t seem to make that happen. So I just went out and found one at an abandoned house and brought it home and leaned it against the wall in the Snug.
Now, of course, I have a red front door, but I’m keeping this one. Found that beautiful brass knocker all rusted on the back of a tinker’s wagon in Turkey. That story will get its own post one day.
My favorite room is “The Snug,” my tiny sitting room. Up near the ceiling hangs my cross collection, collected on my travels.
I like this tiny little bathroom too.
And this sink:
And I have a few favorite pieces of furniture.
I’ve had this sofa, now in the Snug, for decades and had it recovered last year.
I sleep very well in this great old bed.
Finally, this desk is the first piece of furniture we ever bought, and, ironically, it is the finest piece we ever had. We found it an an unclaimed freight warehouse in Lubbock, Texas, in 1965.
Today, it has been re-purposed and serves as a sideboard and wine rack in the dining room. Its drawers are full of table linens.
I’m very fond of that old high chair too. It came from a junk store in Belmont, California. All my children used it. It has absolutely no safety features. They all survived.