We have had a wonderful two weeks, with some surprises and some ups and downs (Think getting a 17-year-old truck up and running after a year of moldering underneath a tarp).
This time, Elizabeth was accompanied by a wonderful new dog, Gypsy Star Catcher. She fit right in and Roxie was happy to share her toys.
Our favorite places soon became Gypsy’s too. She did love running at The Minto and making friends with every dog and human she encountered.
And she enjoyed some birdwatching from her place at the breakfast table.
While the Tahoe was in the shop, Elizabeth and I enjoyed our usual Oregon things — lots of movies, lots of eating (Burgerville, La Margarita, Konditorei), tax-free shopping (Trader Joe’s, Petco).
Then our dear old family member, the X-rated Dominatrix, pulled back from death and was welcomed home by a car wash in the driveway at 1880.
And then darling Matt arrived to help with the packing up and the road trip to Colorado. Time was found to show him one of Elizabeth’s favorite near-by hikes, Shellberg Falls.
Getting everything packed into the Tahoe was an amazing feat, but Matt and Boo managed it skillfully.
Boo has had years of practice with this, but this mother’s heart was so happy that Matt was here to help with wrangling the Thule Box up on top. I have watched our dear girl manage this single handedly far too many times.
Time to close the doors. Only spot for Gypsy Star Catcher will be Matt’s lap!
And now, things are back to normal here at 1880 — Roxie has her bed back and Rosie has ventured downstairs again.