Today is Primary Day in NY, which, apparently Candidate Trump sees as his hood.
One hardly knows what to say about him. He just has so much to say about himself.
Here’s a favorite quote: “I’m less focused on New York now,” he said. “I started going international and national, which is what we are doing now, and then I did the presidential thing, so that to me is cooler than all of it.”
How cool is that? All this country needs is a president who wants to be cool. Never mind his inability to talk like a grownup.
He is also quoted as having said, “I was the king of approvals.” I have no idea what that means. I think he was talking about his ability to get financing for risky projects. I think he’s rather be king than president.
Regarding his eccentric coif, you can see lots of pictures online illustrating how he achieves this look. My question has never been “How?”
Pick one as your worst nightmare:
- Putin riding a horse half-naked
- Trump caught in a wind tunnel
- Trump and Putin liking each other on Facebook
I’m thinking of the first presidential campaign I remember in my childhood. I think I was in fourth grade and I had an “I Like Ike” button that I thought was very nice. Those were the days.