Going to the Bathroom


I’m thinking folks who are concerned about transgender people using the restroom of their choice don’t know much about women’s restrooms.

First, let me say, as nearly as I can tell, the people who are over-wrought about this aren’t really worried about transgender people. They’re afraid that heterosexual men will pretend to be transgender so they can go into women’s restrooms and sneak peeks at the girls (best case scenario) or rape them (worst case scenario).

Here’s the thing: In large women’s restrooms, there are multiple stalls with doors that shut.  A woman or girl goes into one totally clothed, does her business, and comes out totally clothed.  Then she goes over to the row of sinks to wash up.  Here she probably engages in polite conversation with the other women lined up there.  They may pass each other paper towels or comment on how nice it is to have hot water or commiserate about the opposite.


In single person restrooms, you lock the door when you go in.

Now, I realize bad things can happen.

Many years ago in the Oakland Colosseum, during a Warriors game, a friend went alone into a large restroom that seemed to be deserted.  Not a smart move to start with.  While she was seated in a stall, a man climbed up and leaned over the top of the adjacent stall.  This woman had a Texas drawl that had been honed to perfection over time. She looked up at him and said, “Sir, you should be ashamed of yourself.  Your poor mother would be so embarrassed if she knew what you were doing. Now, you get yourself out of here and go back and watch the game, right this minute.”

I do realize this event could have had a tragic ending.

Here’s another thing:  I have never been in a men’s room, but I understand that they do not afford the privacy that women’s restrooms do.  I think a really tragic and more likely ending to this bathroom dilemma would be for a transgender man having to use the men’s room and being assaulted there.

Mother always said,”Go before you leave the house.”


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