One (very special) Week in May

Elizabeth and Matt and their three dogs arrived at 1880 last week in time for a quick visit before Matt had to get to SEA-TAC to fly back to CO for work. (The fly-fishing season opened.)

That night, we all pitched in to create a gourmet pizza — creme fraiche, caramelized onions, gruyere, bacon — which we ate under the arbor with some special local beer to wash things down.

IMG_3143E and M left early the next morning to show Matt the Oregon coast.  Maui girl Gypsy was not deterred by the cooler ocean temps than what she was used to.


They camped that night at Rainbow Falls State Park in Washington

After she dropped Matt off at the airport, she and I met up at Coldwater Lake and had an amazing Mother’s Day paddle below the north face of Mt. St. Helen’s.

IMG_3151The mountain is shrouded in clouds, making for perfect paddling weather.


Just a little further on, we took out for a special picnic lunch.

The rest of the week was a whirlwind of all the things we love to do when Elizabeth is here Old movie at the Elsinore.  New movie in Independence. Tillamook cheese burger at Burgerville. Cake from Konditorei ( gift from Matt before he left), La Margarita. Duty-free shopping.

We found time for another meal under the arbor.  This time, salade nicoise.

IMG_3161 (1)

Then, this morning, we woke up to discover that our week of beautiful summery weather had morphed into a lovely Oregon rain.

Three dogs found plenty of room in the faithful Tahoe.


IMG_3174IMG_3179And they departed, heading home to Colorado.


Roxie, Rosie, and I got back into bed for a lazy morning to finish drinking coffee and read the newspaper.


And soon it was time to pick up Barb for our traditional shopping spree at the Saturday Market.  Lots of roses in front of her place.


Oregon people are not deterred in the least by a showery morning, so there was a good crowd at the market.

What a lovely week! (And now, Barb’s cooking dinner for me! Do you get the idea that food plays a significant part in my life?)

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