Since all voting in Oregon is by mail, we don’t really have a “day.” But if the USPS hasn’t delivered your completed ballot by today, you’re going to have to drive it over to a designated drop-off location this afternoon.
Voting by mail works really well. It’s convenient, cost effective, and pretty much precludes opportunities for cheating.
One of our senators, Ron Wyden, was the first U.S. official elected entirely by mail. He is now campaigning for all federal elections to be by mail. On NPR this morning, he cited the difficulties about actually having to go to a polling place to vote. Transportation. Child care. Physical disabilities. Time off work. Waiting in long lines.
The word he used to describe these inconveniences was “kafkaesque.” Listen, I’d vote for that man just because he said that. Actually, I voted for him before I heard him say that.
Words do matter. There is another candidate running out there right now who said to a crowd, “I know words, I have the best words.” Not.
The thought of his being our president is definitely the K word.