Mowing-man Day at The Minto.

About once a month, the tall grass at the dog park gets cut.  Usually just in the nick of time. They mow the big field and the trails.


IMG_3331Otherwise, it gets so tall you need help finding your ball.


Still, you can usually find a grassy place they missed for a little lie-down.


Minto-Brown Island Park is a city park.  I am happy to help pay for its maintenance with my property taxes.

I am happy to pay $1,486.59 for public education as well, though neither I or anyone I am related to ever attended.  I like to think I am contributing to raising up people who will be good citizens and be able to earn a living.

I pay $207.86 for mass transit.  Never taken a bus.

Actually, I am mostly content to pay all my local taxes.  From some of those federal ones, though, I wish I could opt out.  Specifically, I don’t like paying for foreign wars.  But I digress.

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