Hiatus in the Great Chihuahuan Desert, Part II

Mostly here to provide Joannie with a hiatus of her own from her devoted care of our mother who is now staying at the nursing home — perhaps temporarily or perhaps to live out the rest of her life.  All that remains to be decided. IMG_3426

Yesterday, while Mother was working with her dear physical therapists, Tammy and Thomas, I attended the Roman Catholic Spanish mass in the lobby. I was able to follow along and participate appropriately, having been properly churched all my life.  I know just enough Spanish to be able to understand the familiar Psalm and Gospel readings.  Many of the people attending were from the memory care ward and seemed to be unresponsive, but I absolutely believe they were fed and comforted.  Me too.  Gracias a Dios ya su hijo Jesucristo.

Like all of us, Mother wants to continue to live in her own home.  I have to say here that I think the American way of dying is an obscenity.  And, as Maranna, a dear friend and director of the nursing home said yesterday when I met with Mother’s staff of professional caregivers, “Betty may well outlive us all.”  Life is like that.


West Texas can be amazingly beautiful.  The skies, sunrises and sunsets are spectacular. Some wonderful old buildings remain in the area.

This is the Methodist Church in Balmorhea where services are held every Sunday:

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I believe this primitive stained-glass window depicts the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.  As I said, I was properly churched, right down to The Revelation of St. John the Divine.

Of course, I went to Balmorhea for Mexican food and not for spiritual food.  Need I say, I was more satisfied by the spiritual experience of being in that space where generations have worshipped and continue to do so?

Many wonderful old buildings remain in Pecos as well, standing as deserted monuments to a colorful past.

This is the old ice dock:


The depot:IMG_3425

We’d had a desert cloudburst, thus, the puddle in the foreground.

The old mercantile:


Sadly, as in communities everywhere, not all take pride in their front yards:


But I am lucky enough to stay here, where I am greeted by these three charming and affectionate companions when I return home at the end of the day:


Gracias a Dios.

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