Randomness from my Sick Bed

If I had planned for this, I could have written the Great American Book of Political Nightmares during this hiatus from real life.  There has been a lot to think about.

Men in uniform always took my breath away (which explains a lot about my life).

That’s a dichotomy since I am essentially a pacifist. Perhaps it is because I am a War Baby. One of my first memories is of my daddy in his handsome captain’s uniform in an altar-like position in our house during WWII.

Actually, I love this cutie of him getting a little R & R on Christmas Day in, I think, 1943, somewhere in the South Pacific:

And, I admit, even now, I tend to make a little altar in my house with these items around Veteran’s Day:

In any case, I am sooooo over it.

Here’s a little info about this un-hero who pretty much ruins it for for me for those cute uniforms:

“On April 30, 2014, Flynn announced his retirement effective later that year, about a year earlier than he had been scheduled to leave his position. He was reportedly effectively forced out of the DIA after clashing with superiors over his allegedly chaotic management style and vision for the agency. In a private e-mail that was leaked online, Colin Powell said that he had heard in the DIA that Flynn got fired because he was “abusive with staff, didn’t listen, worked against policy, bad management, etc. Flynn exhibited a loose relationship with facts, leading his subordinates to refer to Flynn’s repeated dubious assertions as “Flynn facts.”  Flynn Facts?  More to come in that list, I think.

New paragraph:  I’ve been making its of daily to-to lists: ” take meds, tell Meg to do everything else.” And wish lists for when I am well:  “clean kayak, order invasive species permit, plant holly hocks.”  Hope is huge in healing.

Should I decide I need to whip out a to-do list by May 1, I can do that.

1. Improve eating habits
2. Start an exercise plan
4. Reduce personal spending
5. Do desk work

Like the White House’s tax plan that POTUS insisted be whipped out in his first 100 days, it is really a rough draft and is useless as it stands. It is meant to be impressive, but I am not impressed.

Actually, that attempt at governance scares me to death. Thank God we have Congress, which holds the power of the purse, and the Judicial, whose job it is to evaluate these edicts based on the constitution. Thank God the United States of America is not a monarchy.

It’s hard to focus on serious reading when you are enjoying the blessed benefits of pain meds.  I am not proud to report that I have abandoned my previous plan never to watch cable news again.  Seriously, my health is improving, but recent events in the news are enough to make a healthy person sick. I am better now, pressing the “off” button,  and am reading the back copies of The New Yorker that Roxanne brings over. On soon to the book Amy suggested:  Killers of the Flower Moon.

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