I doubt there is any woman who cannot recall being mistreated or pressured sexually at some point. Before marriage. In marriage. After marriage. Seems like a lot of women are now feeling safe, even compelled, to talk about it.
I can relate a couple of such occasions in my life, so I will. But I really don’t know that it serves any purpose.
In 7th grade, Larry Don Stuart, who was in 9th grade, felt me up. Just quickly while standing next to me in a very crowded place. I told my mother. She told my father. His response was to just let it go. That boys that age just were just curious. All righty then. Because not a big deal was made of it, I pretty much forgot about it until recently. I have no idea what a more appropriate response from my father should have been. Now, I sort of wish I had slugged Larry Don, but then, I was just horrified and embarrassed.
Later, in high school, we went out for a while. He always treated me with utmost respect and we had a lot of fun. I mostly like to remember that.
In college, I went out several times with a BMOC. I didn’t really like him, but he was a BMOC. He kept pressuring me to have sex with him. He said I could just try it once and if I didn’t like it, we wouldn’t do it again. Really!? It never occurred to me that there was anything abusive about this. It just made me very uncomfortable and embarrassed. It was what it was and I survived pure as the driven snow, more or less. He ended up impregnating a girl from his hometown and she became his first wife. He became a United States Congressman.
I am speechless. LOL.
Larry Don was apparently a very brave soul. My behavior was always somewhat tempered by how imposing the father of the young lady appeared to be. In our school there were several individuals who were reputed to have extra hands. That type reputation was a death knell so, be nice as you can young man.
I have always been free with my speech but tried not to be offensive. It was easy to tell you were about to cross the line.
I guess I didnt realize when it became a bad thing if you complimented someone on a nice dress, a new hairdo, etc. , or a simple , gee you look nice today. I guess it makes a difference if you are pinching them on the buttocks while you are saying those things.