Home again. Home again. Jiggity jig.

I have returned to reality, slowly but surely, after a magical road trip with dogs and kayaks to visit Elizabeth in Yellowstone.  The pictures below are in no particular order.  Top events were, of course, lots of fun with Elizabeth.  Categories included wild and domestic beasts, kayaking on the longest, wild river in the US, geysers, exploring the park in the X-rated Dominatrix  (aka vintage Tahoe), food, and Northern Exposure

No contest, the #1 event was the very rare and unpredictable eruption of Steamboat Geyser.  We were right there and stood in its magical mist. Click and wait.

Elks are at home in the heart of Mammoth, causing traffic jams of tourists stopping to set up tripods for photography.  I just shot this one from the window of the moving Tahoe.

You don’t expect to see a  truck from Texas exhibiting these sentiments.  I was heartened to be stuck in a jam behind this one.  I am confident we will be hearing more about Beto O’Rourke.  If not now, later.

Looks like Montanans have some negative thoughts about the Secretary of the Interior.

Elizabeth putting in on a mild section of the Yellowstone River:

This structure on a trail near Boo’s place.  That’s a bone inside.

Puppies always have fun.

I have traveled near and far with Elizabeth and have a collection of pictures of her taking pictures.

Roxie and Boo on a calm stretch. We did some serious splashing another day on a wild run without the dogs.  I was too busy navigating to take any pictures. Most fun ever! My kayaking criteria continue to be “No-one cried, no-one capsized, no-one drowned.”

A little lake in the neighborhood where Gypsy gets to go every day after work.

What could Gypsy be seeing out the window?

Must be Buddy the Bison who liked to visit the Subaru most days.

Had some good food here and lots of other places including an incredible Sunday brunch at Chico and a bison burger by the river in Gardiner.

This time Roxie got the stick.

Boo gets her mail in a PO box here.


My new favorite river:

Dolly is a good traveller no matter the mode.

2000 miles in the Subaru.  Such a happy road trip!

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