It is definitely fall on the 45th Parallel North. Interesting that I again discovered myself at this latitude on my recent road trip to visit Elizabeth, Yellowstone, and to kayak on my new favorite river.
Who knew?
This morning, an article popped up on a site I am now blocking, on how to avoid letting your Thanksgiving table be a cliché. Are you kidding me? I probably won’t be using a dead fox!
I am going out this morning to buy my traditional See’s chocolate turkeys.
A fixed tradition is that you must remove the foil very carefully in one piece and then bite off the turkey’s head.
Additionally, I have clichés everywhere at 1880. Just deal with it and be thankful that I still have my wits about me!
Seriously, I have so much to be thankful for. I think some daughters and lots of grand-dogs are showing up here for the feast day. In that case, we will be cooking nothing but clichés. How can you not have cornbread dressing?
Well, they are right. That is definitely NOT boring. But your decorations are much more beautiful. Enjoy the season (Any season, lol!)
I will sooooo be missing you. Do try to do something cliché in my honor. xoxomom