Today the chaplain of the US Senate prayed in the Capitol rotunda as GHWB was laid in state there. Chaplain Black described President Bush as having integrity, kindness, heroism, courage, excellence, service, intellect, humility, civility, and spirituality, all qualities I would hope and pray every president of the United States of America might have.
This old English teacher would ask you as an exercise to write these in a column and across from each one to write its antonym. Several choices might be accurate.  Here is my quick response. Maybe tomorrow I will be more thoughtful. Do make your own list.  Maybe print it out for the refrigerator door. 
integrity – dishonesty
kindness – cruelty
heroism – cowardice
excellence – inferiority
intellect – stupidity
humility – arrogance
civility – rudeness
Here is a  sweet picture that particularly touched me:
Nearly every family had a sweet, young boy who signed up and put on a uniform after we were bombed. We did. The greatest generation.
The Bushes always had dogs.  I think that says a lot about a man too.
Here are a couple of early ones:
And the last:

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