When I was a little girl in Oklahoma, my daddy took me out in the country once to show me how to fire a 22 rifle. He set up a Post Toasties box s few yards away and told me to aim for the O’s. As nearly as I can remember, that is the only time I ever touched a firearm.
Boys on my dirt street got BB guns for Christmas. Then 22’s and shotguns. Girls were given dolls and toy stoves. It was a different time.
I have always said if someone were hurting one of my children, I wouldn’t need a weapon. I could kill him with my bare hands. It never came to that.
I live way out west, but it is not the wild west in the way Oklahoma and Texas are, my home states.
Here in Oregon, “Wyden calls for emergency session after mass shootings.”
I so admire our senator.
Nevertheless, here in this small capital city, three people were shot dead this past weekend. The simple arithmetic would reveal that the ratios would be equivalent to the massacre in El Paso last weekend where an assassin traveled 600 miles to when and where he calculated he could slaughter the most Latinos in the least amount of time.
As you can imagine Oregon its mostly wide-open country. Out there, registered gun owners actually need shot guns and pistols for legitimate reasons.
Still, at least once a year, crazies in combat clothes, carrying semi-automatics and confederate flags converge and protest on the capitol steps a few blocks from my house. I often engage. They answer my questions by saying they are there to protect their Second Amendment rights. Ask them to explain what they think the Second Amendment actually means and they are immediately enraged . You really ought not to engage with angry, armed nut jobs.
My only invocation remains: In our time, Lord.