Montana Road Trip Part One

It’s hard to organize my thoughts and pictures about my recent drive to and from Montana to visit Elizabeth.

The drive itself was so beautiful.  First out The Gorge.  Then north to Spokane. Then quickly across the Idaho panhandle and into Montana. All beautiful except north through western Washington.  That was a good time to listen to NPR.

Beautiful into Montana. Incredibly beautiful from Bozeman to Livingston.

Growing up when car trouble was fairly commonplace, I am always go grateful for my reliable Subaru.

I’m going to make this first part about food.  A subject very near to my heart. And thighs.

At Elizabeth’s house, it was all about things from her garden. Fritatas. Burritos. Just-picked corn on the cob. To die for.

Beans seemed to be the bumper crop.

There were also little round, yellow cucumbers, beets, yellow pear tomatoes, zucchini, pumpkins, and the aforementioned corn and sunflowers.  The birds will enjoy their seeds this winter.

And food at Elizabeth’s is never ordinary.

Carefully prepared.

Even the salt is hand-ground.

We did eat out a time or two, returning to favorite places I remembered from last year. An incredible Sunday brunch at Chico Hot Springs.  The garden there is an inspiration. And the BBQ place at tiny Emigrant where, surprisingly, there is a tiny Episcopal Church.

And we bought pizza and cake at Gil’s to eat while watching GBBS episodes.  Those British bakers always inspire my sweet tooth.

End of Part I.  At least for now.


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