Okay, Boomer!

Sunday’s Leonard Pitt’s article was about kids disrespectfully saying ,“Okay, Boomer” to older generations. I’m not offended by that in the least.

It wouldn’t be accurate to say, “Okay, Boomer” to me.  I’m too old.  I’m actually a War Baby. But I wouldn’t mind.

I learn so many things from younger people.  I chose my doctors and financial manager from age groups that I feel sure will out-live me. They are brilliant, treat me with respect, and are very good listeners. I wait for a neighborhood kid to get home from school to give me some help designing my own emoji.

Perhaps it’s just as well they don’t remember all the things we taught them.  I guess it doesn’t matter that their kindergarten teachers didn’t teach them how to hold their pencils so they can write legibly.  No one needs cursive anyway.  Or arithmetic.  Got devices for that.
Recently, I received an email from an immigrant student I taught in 8th grade. He recalled our studying To Kill a Mocking Bird. He wanted me to know how it changed his life. I didn’t know it at the time.  I don’t think he did either.  He is now head of neurosurgery at Brown University.
Teaching, learning, and respect goes both ways.

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