Some traditions persist. Some have gone by-the-by and buy-the-buy. And it’s all good.
Outrageous gift exchanges, a tradition perpetuated by our mother, is greatly reduced, but, I think, more meaningful.
We have largely gone with sending each other advent calendars and I love that. I have received one for my furries.
And this one for me:
I started the season with my lunch bunch coming over for our annual Trifle Tea Party and gift exchange. We celebrated very early — on the feast of St. Nicholas — because Georgienne is leaving for five weeks in New Zealand
There’s a woman I really don’t even know who posts many pictures of her house in Christmas decor. She hires a firm to come in and deck her entire faux colonial house with faux stuff.
Here at 1880, the only faux thing I hang every year — and I always will — is this wreath. You can see it has earned its place in our history.
Kathrine has a new address this month, so I sent her a wreath. This one will never bio-degrade either:
Some things do change of their own accord. Others, because of me. My big tree moved across the street to the Hamilton’s so I can now enjoy seeing it in their front window.
And John and Bob hung the baubles in the birch trees:
I have brought in this potted cedar the past few years.
This is the way it looked the year I discovered it in the yard, just a tiny volunteer:
This is the way the uprooted California holly looked the first year I decorated it:
And this year:
Another difference this year, I have decided to stay awake and sing at the midnight service on Christmas Eve. Lots of music to practice. I’m sure lots of coffee will also play a part in keeping me awake.
A long, long tradition in our family is receiving candy from Mother. When I was a little girl and well into my adult life, she made a large variety for us. In recent years, it has been from See’s. Joannie thought that this year Mother might not remember, but she did! And Joannie ordered it online for all of us. Kate reported that she has already received hers. Online tracking promises that mine will arrive tomorrow. Who knows when Meg’s will arrive on Maui?