To do or not to do

Every new year for the past decade or so, I have chosen a word to be my behavioral mantra for the year. Most of them, have become a part of me and I have just kept adding on. I don’t usually mention this practice or the specific word to people. That could be very annoying.

I haven’t yet decided on a single word for 2020, but I’m working on it. I think it may have to do with saying no, but only because that will give me the opportunity to say yes to lots of other things.

“There is something profoundly liberating about aging: an attitude that comes hard won,” wrote Dominique Browning. “At a certain age, you begin to say, with great aplomb: “I never really liked doing that, so I’m just not going to any more.” (Long list to follow during the year.)

Some things I’m not going to do any more were a matter of pride anyway. Getting up on a ladder to prune my bay tree. Hoisting my kayaks up on the top of the car by myself. Driving in the dark. That kind of stuff.

But I am also going to say no to things I just don’t want to waste time doing. Going places I don’t want to go. Spending time with people I don’t like.

Granted, there are some things I really loved doing that I don’t go any more. Jogging half-an-hour first thing every morning. Riding horses. Riding a bicycle. Okay. Moving right along.

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