Last Year’s Mantra


In 2019, my mantra was to have a heart full of gratitude. I think that will be a part of me for the rest of my life.

 My furnace apparently stopped functioning during the night and when I woke up this morning the interior temperature was 56º.

I padded downstairs in my Uggs and puffy coat , made coffee, and fed the dogs, and got back into bed until a decent time to call the repairman. All good now, less $250.  My heart is full of gratitude. I have a house, coffee, dogs, puffy coat, Uggs, and $250.

I am now going to regenerate and warm up in the wonder-working body soak I mentioned a couple of days ago. And peruse a flyer that came in the mail today: Adriatic and Aegean Odyssey on a Small Ship.

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