Someone shared this on Facebook early this morning:

I wasn’t in a battle to defeat January.
At my age, every day is a gift to be celebrated no matter what. I readily admit, sometimes I really have to be diligent to find something to celebrate and to put the negatives into manageable boxes.
And I admit I’ve had a lot of experience doing that, but the wisdom of age isn’t everything. The insights of youth are very valuable too.
Believe me! I do remember how challenging it is to get up every morning and go to a job you do not love, perhaps while raising children and dealing with a toxic relationship and health issues. I get it. The advice of this old woman is: Do not let the hard stuff be the focal point of your day.
Sometimes, first thing in the morning, I have to get right into a hot shower to get everything to work. But, lucky me, I do have a shower just a few feet away. Somedays, I have more than one doctor appointment, but I love all my doctors and can drive myself to those appointments. Some mornings, a dog or two has thrown up during the night, but I can afford to take her to the vet, and no one has ever been as glad to greet me when I get home.
What? No one will be bringing you flowers, candy, jewelry, or something ghastly from Victoria’s Secret? Oh, thank god!! But yesterday, I mailed a box of her favorite See’s to my mother (soft-centers these days). How lucky is that? Just buy some chocolate for yourself, for heaven’s sake!

It’s a new month. Let’s do this!