What kind of Low-Life steals hand sanitizer? Just wash your hands, dammit!
“The looting of hand sanitizer dispensers has forced Marion County to close 17 popular parks amid the coronavirus pandemic.”
Minto? That’s the dog park and so much more. I have lost count of the dogs and grand dogs and daughters and friends I have walked with there. I have kayaked in the slough. I have scattered ashes. I have watched sun-rises, sun-sets, fogs lift, trees bud, leaf out, turn colors, and show their bare, lichen-covered branches in the winter rain. It is scared space for me.
List of Marion County Parks now closed❚ Auburn❚ Aumsville Ponds❚ Bear Creek❚ Bonesteele❚ Denny❚ Eola Bend❚ Joryville❚ Labish Village❚ MINTO ❚ Niagara❚ North Fork❚ Packsaddle❚ Parkdale❚ Rogers Wayside❚ St. Louis Ponds❚ Salmon Falls❚ Scotts Mills