Most Sunday mornings before leaving early for choir rehearsal, I read several newspapers online and watch the talking-head shows; but today there is no news. So I decided to go back to to Maui.
On my recent visit, one of the special things Meg arranged for me was to tour some very private gardens in her neighborhood. Through an electric gate, several very large houses sit on very large lots. I’m guessing about 3 to 5 acres each. On each one sits a huge, grand house. The houses sit empty for much of the year while the owners live in other houses in other parts of the world.
Josh, a brilliant, knowledgeable, and dedicated gardener lives in a garage apartment on one of these properties. Over the years, he has established huge gardens of tropical fruits in all the unmanicured areas just beyond the manicured lawns and swimming pools. He tends it all. And every Saturday he takes the week’s harvest to the Kihei street market.
Here are just a few shots of Josh and his gardens:

As we walked through the garden, we sampled several exotic fruits I had never seen or tasted before. I wish I had taken notes and more pictures, but I really just wanted to be present.
Lots of things on Maui, all tourists can do. Not this.