Typically, my Sunday mornings start off like this:

Then I get up, feed the dogs, get coffee, bring out the NY Times Sunday crossword, and turn on the news before getting ready for early choir rehearsal.
Not today, except for the dogs on the bed.
Today, there is no news, no choir rehearsal, no church. Just the crossword.
One day is much like the other. But for me it is essential to have a to-do list with at least one special thing on it every day.
Today, it will be to watch St. Paul’s service of Morning Prayer on Facebook. We were even given a detailed service bulletin so we can pray and sing with the socially-distanced presenters.
After that, I will be getting in line at Fred Meyer’s pick-up dock to have my weekly grocery order loaded in the back of the car. Presumably without human contact.
Tomorrow? I’m not sure yet, but I am soliciting suggestions.