One day, Meg and I drove to Wailuku to buy a wonderful desk she had found on CraigsList. On the way there, we drove through tho old sugar mill.

When I was last there, the mill was a flourishing industry which had employed hundreds for over a hundred years. It was shut down a few years ago because of the pollution it produced. Remember the tune? “C & H pure cane sugar. From Hawaii. Grown in the sun.”

Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. workers gather for a group photo at Puunene Mill on March 1, 2016, the day the final harvest of sugar cane began. –
It was a real community with a church.

And a meat market.

Schools and housing , now standing empty.

The Puunene post office is still open. Once, I lived on Maui for a while. I liked to use this P.O. It was never crowded like the one in Kihei.

And this old bookstore.

Now it a charity store. Books are 25¢ each, except the ones on the porch which are free. I bought some that I didn’t really want.