Dancing’ and Dreamin’

Have the Golden Oldies channel on this morning, getting some exercise dancing around the house in my pajamas. Then they started playing the Riverias “California Sun,” and I had to stop and re-gain my composure. I am really California dreaming’ today. Rainy here all week. Luckily, I got to soak up lots of sunshine on Maui and in West Texas this past month.

Advice from this old woman for the new work week: Make sure your do-do list has something happy to do every day. I just ordered a small vase of flowers to be delivered to Mother in the nursing home.

Sorry to mention this, but NOT available from any provider to deliver to her: any kind of kleenex. I did just fine an obscure provider which will supposedly ship a package of this:

I also strongly advise doing something for someone else today. Maybe telephone an older person who is not comfortable texting. Or mail a hard copy note to someone.

Better yet, get someone else to tune in to the Golden Oldies channel and dance simultaneously if not together.

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