Interlude #4

What kind of Low-Life steals hand sanitizer? Just wash your hands, dammit!

“The looting of hand sanitizer dispensers has forced Marion County to close 17 popular parks amid the coronavirus pandemic.”

Minto? That’s the dog park and so much more. I have lost count of the dogs and grand dogs and daughters and friends I have walked with there. I have kayaked in the slough. I have scattered ashes. I have watched sun-rises, sun-sets, fogs lift, trees bud, leaf out, turn colors, and show their bare, lichen-covered branches in the winter rain. It is scared space for me.

List of Marion County Parks now closed❚ Auburn❚ Aumsville Ponds❚ Bear Creek❚ Bonesteele❚ Denny❚ Eola Bend❚ Joryville❚ Labish Village❚ MINTO ❚ Niagara❚ North Fork❚ Packsaddle❚ Parkdale❚ Rogers Wayside❚ St. Louis Ponds❚ Salmon Falls❚ Scotts Mills

Gathering at the doggie water fountain in happier times.


Sanctuary: a place of safety or refuge. I like this word so much better than the others — shelter in place, social distancing, shut-in, isolation, hunkering down. Of course it comes from the root “sanctus” which means holy or sacred. It’s also related to “sacrifice.” So we can think of making a holy sacrifice when we choose to stay home to keep others well, lonely as it may be.

Re-run. Re-set. Re-wind.

Back to where I left for Maui on February 25 to celebrate mine and Meg’s birthdays .

Meg greeted me at the curb at OGG with a lei. and we headed to her and Ari’s beautiful home in Kihei. I was impressed with the repurposing of a slipper for use as a car cell phone holder.

Their home has a 320º view of the island. Look out this way from the terrace and you can see the morning sun hit Molokini.

This was my room :

Still, on PST time at first, I woke up to this charming alarm clock at my window.

While waiting for everyone else to wake up, I went up and had coffee, worked on the NY Times crossword — which, amazingly, I was able to print out In Ari’s office from my local, hometown newspaper. I always re-read a bit of Mark Twain and James Michener when I visit the islands.

Pretty soon, some very fresh eggs were delivered. Here Meg is looking down at her flock of chickens.

I am one of those very unique people who does not really love Hawaii. But I do love Meg, so I went primarily to spend special time with her. And I did. We are happy just being together and talking or reading or watching a documentary. Or eating! She is an excellent cook and we also enjoyed eating some delicious food out.

She did have some special things planned for us to do too. Wait for tomorrow’s episode.

I’m getting whiplash!

Things change so fast and priorities shift so rapidly. One day, I was on a beautiful tropical island, standing on Meg’s terrace, taking pictures of the sunset . . .

eating fresh eggs provided by hens watched over by this handsome cockerel:

Next day, I was making a pitstop at 1880 ordering food from Amazon.

And adding a canister of wipes to the Little Free Library.

And catching another plane PDX to MAF.