What does it mean to be a deist?
“Belief in the existence of a God on the evidence of reason and nature only, with rejection of supernatural revelation. Belief in a God who created the world but has since remained indifferent to it.”
I suppose theologians love to sit around and discuss these sorts of things all the time, but I find it troubling.
We may believe in a creator god because we can reasonably conclude that an ordered universe did not just happen. And we can see the divine in nature.
Yeah. That sounds right.
And most of the time it does seem like “he” has since withdrawn, a bit like an absentee father.
That would explain his just sitting back and watching things develop, both good and horrific. Taking no interest, responsibility, credit or blame. Not getting involved in hearing the prayers of those begging for an end to disease. Or in rejoicing at the human invention of a vaccine.
And if he does hear prayers, does he care more if it is the prayer of one terrified mother or the prayers of a huge congregation?
And why do we only sometimes discern any response to prayer at all?
There are those who will say that he responded. He just said “no.”
So what’s the point?
If he is omniscient, he knows what I want and need without my asking. And why would an omnipotent deity need beseeching and praise and worship from his creatures? That seems more like an egotistical human to me.
These are clearly not appropriate thoughts from an old woman on a beautiful Easter day.
I’m going back out into the garden. I have no troubling questions there.