Pocket Parks

Recently, I have discovered lots of streets and parks in Salem that I never knew about before. Partly, this is because there is no traffic now, so I have driven through some very sweet, modest neighborhoods, streets lined with trees and charming houses.

I’ve been looking for new places to let the dogs run off leash, perhaps illegally, while no one else is there anyway. During this time, I would so much rather ask for forgiveness than for permission. Most park staff are young and polite. I just leash the dogs and say sorry.

Yesterday, I happened on Clark Creek Park. It is completely surrounded and hidden by houses and trees.

It is actually less than a mile and a half from 1880.

It is beautifully maintained and no one was there early in the morning. Tennis courts and playground off limits.

That yellow thing on the far right is a doggie water fountain.
Lots of blue forget-me-nots

I won’t forget to come back here, but my return visit may be delayed for a bit.

Drat! Shortly after getting back home, I heard a loud pop in my knee. My extensive research says it’s either a torn meniscus or ACL. Can’t get in to see the orthopedist until Tuesday. Until then, I am being cared for by these two furry nurses, human friends and neighbors, and lots of electronic visits, for which I am incredibly grateful. ( also Vicodin!) I’ll just sit here and vegetate until Tuesday. Luckily, I didn’t have a hot date scheduled for tonight.

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