Hi, there Hannah. May I call you Hannah? Or would you prefer Hajia?
It was such a pleasure to hear from you. I hope you are staying safe there in Syria. We hear that life there is perilous.
First, I think I must counsel you regarding capitalization and punctuation, which leaves much to be desired. Perhaps I could tutor you online. For now, as my first tip: avoid the use of semi-colons. You are clueless in this regard. But, not to worry. Most native English speakers are equally clueless.
Second, can you tell me more about your position on the Contract Award Committee? It sounds fascinating. And what is the job description of the 14 Project Allocation Manager? I had no idea that Syria, with all is present difficulties, has a Department of Minerals and Natural Resources.
I would be delighted to be your agent and to assist you in investing your fund. Please forward to me in cash, US currency, 30% of USD $35 million which would be $10.5 million.
I will send you in code by mail the P.O. Box number to mail these monies to. Do send me your address.
We are going to have so much fun.
In closing, let me say that I am sorry to hear that your husband is dead. Please accept my condolences. I have a former husband whom I would be delighted to introduce you to if you are ready to enter the dating arena. Just say the word.
I await your response with bated breath.
Your new best friend,