Bide Awhile and Get a Masters’ in Maybe Political Science.

You know, I actually admire people who want to run for local offices. It’s generally a thankless job and there’s no money in it.

When the voters’ booklet comes through my mail slot, I might or might not read it, and I certainly do not read statements from candidates who are not even from my district.

I vote in district 10. Nevertheless, this bright-eyed child’s picture caught my eye.

Believe it or not, there really is a Kutztown University, although my spell-check is not buying it.

I wish I knew what the last couple of letters in LGBTQIA stand for. Perhaps “infirm”and “aged.” That would be nice. I wouldn’t mind an H for heterosexual. Or a “?” for “I wish this didn’t have to matter anymore.” Does “gender affirming treatments” refer to breast and penile implants? Perhaps sexual re-assignment? That’s probably a good thing.

But Sarah, Sweetie,”server, nanny, tutor”? And you identify as a “brand ambassador”?

Maybe not yet, Honey. A lovely smile is just not enough.

2 thoughts on “Bide Awhile and Get a Masters’ in Maybe Political Science.

    • And she majored in physics? In a little town in Pennsylvania? I wonder what brought her to Salem, Oregon. Still, I do admire her desire to serve our community. I bet she will be getting lots of nanny job offers when mothers can get back to work.

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