This is one of those “holidays” that puzzle most people. Briefly, “the church” teaches that it’s the day that commemorates the “coming of the Holy Spirit.” Jesus and died and arose and ascended to heaven and sent the Holy Spirit down to earth.
All righty then.
A beautiful piece of Pentecost music has him saying, “I will not leave you comfortless.” Ah.
There is so much beautiful music commemorating the descent of the Holy Spirit. To comfort a bereft humanity.
I have printed out the Order of Service for St. Paul’s online service this morning. I’ll sit at the piano and sing everything all by myself. Beseeching the Holy Spirit to “Breath on me Breath of God. Fill me with life anew.”
Wearing my red shoes.
Last year on Pentecost Sunday, I wore my ruby slippers to church.

This year I’m wearing my Nikes for the online service. I bought them when Nike was being boycotted by people who disapproved of Colin Kaepernick.

I wish everyone had “listened” when he knelt down.
“Send forth your Spirit, O Lord, and renew the face of the earth.”