I remember learning in Art History not to evaluate the value of a work on it’s own, rather to study it with contrasting works.
For example, take these three images of women:

Each one is complex, beautiful, and troubling and asks for contemplation.
I think evaluating human beings doesn’t require so much contemplation.
For example, let’s take a look at how Donald Trump greeted the governor of Arizona yesterday, violating all the guidelines of social distancing that the rest of us have been honoring, in spite of all the discomfort and loneliness involved. Not only is none of us above the law, none of us is exempted from practicing the human decency to set the best example we can.
This is ugly and horrifying on every level.

In contrast, President Obama and Mrs. Obama announced plans to appear on a televised event on May 16, aimed at high school seniors, a national celebration for all the students whose in-person commencements have been canceled or postponed in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

Wow! For someone who seems to think the presidency is like a junior high popularity contest, Trump really blew it yesterday.
I bet the Governor of Arizona is regretting that, now.
Yes! And I’ve always heard that Trump is terrified of germs. I’m surprised he’s not wearing full hazmat outfits.