This was really the week that wasn’t. Most of the things I usually do no longer exist. And the ones that do are a bit challenging in my present state.
Surgeries for procedures such as torn meniscus interventions are far in the future. If I can just entertain myself with Kindle, Netflix, et. al., grocery pick-up at Freddy’s, Zoom gatherings ( my very least fave), and online Scrabble competitions, I’ll manage.
I did have an MRI this week and reviewed it with my surgeon. Closest I’ve been to another human being in, how many days is it now? I’ll share the pictures here as soon as they pop up on my patient portal. Should be fascinating.
Sunday mornings, typically, I go to church. Or if my choir is not singing, I like to watch the talking heads shows on TV. But, alas this morning, I did not want to tune in to either. I am grateful to my church’s skeleton staff for YouTubing a service of Morning Prayer. And to the news folks for carrying on when there is no news. But, no. I can’t go there to either this morning.
Time Magazine suggested watching some upbeat movies from the ’30’s when people during the Depression needed uplifting, so I am watching “Top Hat” with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Definitely a period piece and fun to watch. I must Google “The History of Tap Dancing” later. If you think about it, it’s really an odd thing.
Highlights this week included a haircut for Dolly.


Oddly, I received a check for $1200 for no reason this week. Since I am retired and live off Social Security and a rapidly diminishing retirement fund, my income has not changed. I did have a big bill this month for some plumbing and tree removal, so it does come in handy. I took a picture of the check and posted in here. Thank goodness, my Tech Manager spotted it and pointed out that in this electronic age anyone who saw it could deposit it from that image, so I took it down. Who knew? When the gov’t prints money, out of pleine aire, not backed by any commodity, like gold or solver, it’s called fiat money. It’s Monopoly money in my thinking.
And finally, I was unable to avoid baking banana bread any longer:

When it was done, my young neighbor from across the street came over to collect some from my front porch. Be sure to notice the plastic gloves.

It seems to have been well-received by him and his little brother.

Another highlight was this picture of Elizabeth’s back 40. Dandelion lawn.

It inspired me to Google recipes for wine, cordial, tea, and frittata.
Now looking for a book to read. Just got some suggestions from my gardener/literary advisor to check out. Not literally check out. The public library is closed.
But I think my favorite view of the week was of this mother and child, sitting on the curb, reading a book from my little free library.

Maybe I should hobble out there and see if there’s anything that interests me!
Hal and his little brother are very cute!
I know! And their parents too. On Mother’s Day, Eleah spent the whole afternoon texting with me. Fun.