Someone posted this on facebook this morning.

I feel very sad for this person. Yes. Some of what he has copied and pasted on his page is true.
We have not been able to take trips or to attend large group gatherings — to protect ourselves and to protect others. I can agree with that.
Otherwise, we are at odds.
To begin with, I believe he has used the word “communist” when he means “dictatorship.”
I am “not afraid” to leave my home nor am I forbidden to do so. I choose not to. It is the least I can do to protect myself and others.
I speak my mind all the time. I’m really old. Don’t mess with me!
I make up my own mind and think differently from lots of people, those with “mob mentality” (whatever that is), racists, sexists, bigots. I’ll stop here. It’s a long list.
No one has forced me to “subscribe to fear.” I am rightly concerned and cautious.
I have been an avid student of history since I was a little girl. How could I be “forced to erase it”?
I would certainly not allow myself to be “controlled by the media.” If you feel controlled by the media, by all means, turn it off. I avoid all cable news and read a number of carefully-chosen newspapers online which express different viewpoints. Right now, I am recommending The Christian Science Monitor.
No one has ever even tried to “force me to apologize.” No one would dare. I do say sorry whenever I hurt or offend.
The only time I kneel, when these old knees permit it, is in worship.
No one can forbid me to worship. I certainly do miss being with my community and singing with my choir. My congregation — and most others– have been offering YouTube services and Zoom meetings, and musical presentations on-line on an almost daily basis. I bet yours does too. Turn off cable news and tune in.
I freely show my patriotism.
For a while, I didn’t fly my American flag out front because there was a time people tended to think that meant I was a Republican Then, I decided to reclaim it. It is my flag. I am an American. Think whatever you like.
As an American, I support the ideal of liberty and justice — for ALL.
This week, I felt an irrepressible need to “say their names.” Freedom of speech by putting neon post-its in my front windows with the names of some of my fellow Americans who died brutally, without liberty or justice.

Oh, I speak my mind! I worship. I show my patriotism.
I readily admit, these are hard times. Americans have faced and survived many. It’s the home of the brave.
Do not be discouraged or discouraging. Be certain that what you write, post and say is the truth.
“Lift up your heart and sing till earth and heaven ring, ring with the harmonies of liberty . . . “