Today, Princeton University disclaimed Woodrow Wilson because of his embracing segregation. Good!
Is anyone left?
Christopher Columbus is out. Well, yes.

George Washington? What is true and what is myth. Certainly, he did not chop down a cherry tree.
This just didn’t happen like in this painting.

Of course, we need to condemn Junipero Serra. Good grief! What the “fathers” did to the California natives to get those missions built along El Camino Real in the name of God is god awful.

So, how do we proceed?
Should we tear down all the missions?

Maybe not.
Rename all the boys’ Catholic schools named “Serra”?
Maybe so, but I’ll lay money that’s not going to happen.
What is myth and what is truth.
Do the statues of Ancient Greece portray anything but myth? Maybe not. But we do respect them as art.

Certainly, Confederate statues need to be removed — but whence?
Some things are abdominal but we must never forget: The Holocaust
Maybe we do need role models — but whom? Hero worship — maybe we need to get over it.
Perhaps we no longer have anyone to look up to. All were flawed. Even our daddies were patriarchal. Perhaps the lesson here is not to “look up” but to look to ourselves.