. . . considering that I rarely leave the house.
Barb came over and we went to church together in my front yard, left to our own devices and socially distanced.

What a blessing Barb is in my life.
This was the hymn. It was hard to sing with my mask on and tears streaming down my cheeks. Sibelius’s beautiful”Finlandia” with words for us today. Lyrics by Lloyd Stone. I’ve sung it a couple of times since then and cried both times.

Right after church, Joe and Harriet — known around the neighborhood as Hattie — came by with a few dogs to check out some books.

We had a nice visit. Sue is at home awaiting the imminent birth of Hattie’s sister, to be born in the safety of their home with the assistance of a couple of professional midwives. Barb, a retired public health nurse, opined that this is the best plan in this day and age.
I changed the flag on he front porch.

And added a note on the front door.

I like to do things like this on Sundays, to celebrate the beginning of a new week.