After watching church online this morning, I decided, as is my custom, to check out the outdoor Christmas lights. So much more fun to do it on a sunny July day than on a rainy November one.
When I went into the attic to get the lights, I lost my train of thought when I once again stumbled over a banker’s box that had been sitting there unopened for many years: the files of my divorce.
I was always a scrupulous record-keeper, so this was a heavy box of carefully-labelled files. I still am scrupulous, but I no longer rely on hard copy as I did in those days. And I definitely choose to live in the present. I scan and toss, both literally and metaphorically.
My plan was to drop that corrugated box unopened into the recycling bin; however, I decided to take a quick look to see whether anything should be scanned.
I decided on two items:

And this, just because it left me laughing. I think it must have been pinned to something when Jim departed 1880 for the last time.

Now, where are those Christmas lights?