
Today, Dave headed out for his next best adventure. 3000 miles with two kayaks, a motorcycle, and a cat. He is undoubtedly the dearest, sweetest, kindest man I have ever met and possibly my best friend ever.

We met about fifteen years ago when I spotted a notice he posted on a local kayakers site. He was graduating from whitewater paddling with the big boys to runs more age appropriate. I took him up on that plan immediately and met up with him at the put-in at Wallace Marine Park on the Willamette in West Salem.

If I tried to recall all our paddles, I imagine there would be over 100 in the past fifteen years. Every suitable waterway appropriate for our boats and skills and clearly some that were not. Those were possibly the most fun.

He didn’t love the Willamette, preferring faster rivers and secluded lakes where that former science teacher could look for obscure fauna. Salamanders were a particular find. He showed me things I never would have seen without him. And a Mexican restaurant in Molalla.

He taught middle-school science in Molalla for most of his career, commuting daily from Salem on all the country roads between here and there. His students were very lucky.

As for the Willamette, he humored me and supported my goal to paddle every bit of it from the source at the MacKenzie all the way into the Columbia, bit by bit.

We explored fast and sleepy places, always driving there on country roads which were Dave’s preference.

He knew about places I’d never even heard of. And now I am wondering whether there are places one might paddle in Ohio. I do love a good road trip.

A devoted husband and the world’s most generous and loving grandfather, Dave’s beloved Diana died last year, so he has packed up to move nearer his children and grand children. I hope they know how lucky they are.

He called late yesterday to say goodbye. The last thing he said was that he hoped I’d find another paddling buddy. I will. But every time I put-in, I will smile remembering Dave.

Looks like the only pictures I have are of quiet moments. You just can’t snap pictures when you’re splashing through rapids!

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