Things are so rarely black and white. Senator Harris is not black, although she has referred to herself that way, just as my skin is not white. We seem to have a great need for things to be one way or the other. They rarely are.
Certainly, she is a woman of color and ticks a lot of boxes and has already been called a number of names by people who are often named Bubba. The “C” word. The “N” word. The “B” word. She’s got Bubba running scared.
But here’s the truth: Starting from now, no one is going to change his mind about how he will vote. The one truth we know for sure that POTUS uttered was when he said he could go out on Fifth Avenue and shoot someone it wouldn’t make any difference.
Most of us learned in kindergarten — if not at our mothers’ feet — not to call people names. Not only is it not nice, it makes us, not them, look bad. And weak. And scared.
We are all terrified about the upcoming Biden-Trump debates. Biden is a gentleman with a quiet, sometimes hesitant pattern of speech. He tends to think and then speak. I hope whoever is coaching him will teach him to use that to his advantage. After being irrationally lambasted, I hope he will pause and say, “I am not here to be insulting or rude. I am here to answer the question that was put to me which I believe we may have lost sight of.” I know. I’m a dreamer.
If all else fails, de-fund the United States Post Office and scare people that their votes won’t count. I continue to wonder why POTUS thinks making voting easier and safer would work to his disadvantage and not to his advantage.
Things are not black and white. Things are mostly gray.