Friday Randomness Part I.

I need to get this off my chest before heading our for the gym.

The last night of the Democratic convention.

And here’s the truth:

Julia Louis-Dreyfus and the Curry family were embarrassing.

Loved the boy with the stutter.

Dear, sweet, Joe Biden spoke like he was running for Grandpa and not for president.

I like him so much. I admire his family so much. I admire his working-class background. I admire his wife. I admire the work he has done for my country all of his career.

I think he is decent. He practices his faith. He tells the truth.

I am dreading the debates. I hope he pauses every time after Trump speaks and says, “Wow. I am not here to be rude or insulting. I am here to answer the question I have been asked.”

I am really looking forward to the VEEP debates. Will “Mother” allow Mikey to be alone on the stage with a woman? Does anyone know what “Mother’s” first name is?

To be continued.

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