I decided to read Bob Woodward’s second book about Trump partly because I’m bored to death here. Partly because I believe Woodward to be a meticulous and thorough reporter. And, foolishly, I hoped it might change the minds of how a few people would vote.
Naw. Everyone’s mind is made up.
I found the first 27 chapters to be mind-numbingly boring. Painful details about the men Trump chose to advise him. And how, one by one, he dispatched them, often pretending that he barely knew them anyway.
My interest was piqued in Chapter 28 when he began to write about Jared Kushner, who, it turns out, is even creepier than I imagined.
On February 8, 2020, Kushner advised others there were texts someone in a quest to understand Trump needed to absorb. Bizzarely, one was Alice in Wonderland where Kushner likens Trump to the Cheshire Cat. He paraphrased the cat: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any path will get you there.”
My advice: Google Peggy Noonan to read how she is quoted in the book. She is an able and honest historian.
And, if you can do that, read the Epilogue. How to spoil a good mystery. Jump to the end and read the last chapter. Or just Woodward’s last sentence: When his performance as president is taken in its entirety, I can only reach one conclusion: Trump is the wrong man for the job.